Monday, May 25, 2015

The Secrets to Success

Whether you want to peel yourself out of the indent you left in the couch and explore the world, want to eat better and exercise, or just want to change your life in a more general sense, the big secret to success is motivation and perseverance. Don’t let anyone hold you back from your dreams, unless your dream is to be a mastermind criminal, then I would have to strongly encourage you against that. So how do successful people become successful?

Get inspired- The first step is to find something that you’re passionate about...let me rephrase that. Something you’re passionate about that you can act upon. Therefore your passion for naps, eating chocolate and drinking wine don’t particularly count right now.
Find others- Surround yourself with people who have similar interests as you and find role models that fire you up. For example, I’m 110% obsessed with Jason Mraz simply because he reminds me to be a better person. So find your own role model now...I already called dibs on Jason.
Start- You might be thinking, “Well duh! Obviously I have to start…” but now think about all of those time you never did. It’s hard at first, but once you get into it, you find your own groove. Like dancing at a party! At first it’s a bit awkward but by the end you’re breaking it down in front of all of your friends. You know it’s true. Just try and refrain from twerking in public.
Set goals- Nothing feels better than finishing something that you set out to do. For example, yesterday my friend and I set out on a distance bike ride and completed about ten miles. It was a great feeling, except for my quads. My quads actually hurt a lot.
Reconnect- It’s easy to lose track of why you started. Sometimes the things you love turn out to feel like a chore, which is why it is important to have fun and remind yourself why you fell in love with it.
Achieve and succeed- Share your success with others to inspire them too. It’s like a big happy cycle of being inspired and inspiring others. You never know who might end up looking up to you!

Most importantly remember that not all things in life have medals waiting at the finish line (although I wouldn’t complain if they did). Let me know how you plan to conquer the world.

You can tweet at me @TheDayILived and remember to share with your friends. Spread the success and the love, always wishing you the best!

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