Monday, October 19, 2015

How To Be Heard

There is absolutely nothing worse than feeling misunderstood and like you’re not being heard. I mean obviously you’re always right, so why won’t people just listen to you already? But before you give up and reside in the corner stewing in silence, let me help you find your voice.

Listen- This might sound counterproductive to our goal of being heard, but if you want anyone to give you so much as the time of day, you must first give them the respect of being heard and validated. 

As Lily from The Princess Diaries would say, “Shut up and Listen”.

Volume- Surprise! Yet another ironic answer- don’t shout. If you’re yelling at someone they’re more likely to be quiet, but don’t mistake their silence for listening. 

Use your ‘inside voice’ as my mom would tell her students. 
Also, let’s just address the fact that we still need the advice given to preschoolers.

Don’t split it-
Just like you shouldn’t share your food (because it’s YOUR damn food), don’t split your attention. Using your phone or interrupting someone is almost a guarantee for them to reciprocate that behavior when you are speaking...not to mention that it can be hurtful.


Being respectful means knowing who, what, where, when and how to verbalize your thoughts. Timing is everything and it couldn’t be more true if you want others to be receptive to what you have to say.

So maybe not what you were expecting, huh? Try integrating these strategies into your life and watch all of your relationships improve. The simple act of listening will grant you access to the many wonderful things in life including a confidant and life long friendships and therefore, improve your life.

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