Sunday, October 2, 2016

How to Not Feel Stuck

Stuck….stuck….stuck….here is my unconventional advice on what to do when you’re stuck.

  1. Bang head into wall-  You’ll get a concussion, forget your problems, and start over, forgetting there was ever an impas.
  2. Have a drink- Have a drink (or four) and pretend you’re a surfer.
  3. Eat a lot- You’ll eat too much and conceive a food baby, which will lead you to planning out your wonderful life together. Who will be the godmother?
  4. Drink expired pineapple juice- It will be gross, but just gross enough to inspire you to want to tell someone about drinking expired pineapple juice.
  5. Browse Buzzfeed- I don’t personally like buzzfeed, but I usually find something outlandish enough to un-stuck me. So I guess it works, I don’t know.
  6. Stretch- My body cracks all over, which I then complain about being a granny, then I think about the things I will say as a senile old woman, then I usually make myself laugh enough to write it down...but put it in a more normalized context so you won’t think it’s weird.
  7. Develop an involuntary stress eye twitch- Good conversation starter but moderate annoyance. 3/10 would recommend.
  8. Procrastinate- I come up with some weird stuff when I’m putting off responsibilities, such as this article for example.
  9. Go into the weird part of Twitter- Log on at a certain time and just scroll until you’re seven hashtags deep.
  10. Follow my Twitter- That’s a good start on #9
  11. Try it again- See #1
12. Write an article about feeling stuck- And here we are.

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