Friday, May 15, 2015

How To Make Your Summer Not Suck

As yesterday was the first day of my summer vacation, I found it only appropriate to solve all of your summer struggles right off the bat. If you are anything like I used to be, this is a daily conversation in the long summer months:

“What are we doing today?”
“I don’t know...what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.”

Come on people! Summer is a time for chasing fireflies around your front yard at night, while simultaneously trying not to get hit by cars because one flew out into the road. So how does one avoid the summer slump? Planning! Wooh! Everyones favorite!
But it’s actually a lot easier than you think. Have you ever noticed that when you are incredibly busy folding laundry, that you come up with 101 things to do other than what you are currently doing? Write them down and keep it as a reference for your free days to avoid the above dialogue. If I had realized this sooner, I would have saved precious time that could have been spent convincing my friends I would go into the ocean, but running away every time a wave came (i.e. I never made it in).

Need some ideas? Let me help kickstart your summer fun.
Beach it up- If you live near a coast this wasn’t your first thought when you hear the word “summer”, you’re doing it wrong.
Have a picnic- Nothing makes a cuter instagram post than a picnic. Having ants crawl on you is just the sacrifice that you are going to have to make.
Go hiking- Hiking is one of my personal favorites- bonding with friends and reconnecting with the planet. Just one thing, do not forget bugspray.
Cook a meal- While I’m not exactly about to win (or even make it onto) Iron Chef America, cooking a meal or two with friends and family can be a lot of fun. Plus, you get bragging rights over the great meal you just prepared, so give it a shot.
Eat watermelon- Come on, you saw this coming. It’s in season so buy it. Unless it’s the last one...then save it for me.
Fly a kite- “Let’s go fly a kite! Up to the highest height! Let’s go fly a kite and send it soa-” Oh. You get it? Okay.
Bonfires- An activity for everyone. Unless of course fire scares you...Then this isn’t for you.
Lakes- Between lake beaches, watersports and boating, this is a failproof summer smash.
Trips- Besides your annual family vacation where everyone “gets along”, take smaller day trips like going tubing, kayaking, parasailing, camping or rafting. Maybe even check out a hot air balloon festival.
BBQ- Hello? How did you not think of this first?
Wanna stay updated on more summer fun activities? Follow my twitter account @TheDayILived and let me know how you plan to kick off your not sucky summer.

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