Sunday, February 28, 2016

Challenging Change

Every time something changes we act as if King Kong has climbed atop a building and is raining fire down on us from above. Change is regarded as a horrible thing because we don’t expect it, which plays off of our inherent ‘fear of the unknown’. However, there are plenty of good changes.

For example: changing your status, changing your clothes, changing of the guard, the usual.

Obviously I’m kidding...but not about changing your clothes.

Our relationships with people are changing constantly, growing apart and then together again. Instead of thinking a waver from the norm as the clinching moment where your life crumbles before you, like when you first receive the syllabus for a geology class, consider the potentially good aspects of it first.

Just a quick daily thought on change...your allergies change every few years, your tastebuds change more than you would believe and you probably change your mind about every twenty minutes or so. Next time something unexpected arises and King Kong begins scaling a building, I hope you keep your cool long enough to call in backup before calling it quits.

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