Saturday, November 12, 2016

2017- The Best Year Ever

December is rapidly approaching and along with our chestnut praline lattes and peppermint mochas, we are also bombarded with memes like: “2016 failed me...hoping 2017 is my year”

I find this both amusing and slightly disturbing. Every single year, these types of messages fill my various newsfeed because it is easier to retweet, share and joke about, than to stare in the face and actually try to figure out why this is still something retweeted and shared.
Why did your year suck so much?

Maybe your cat died or you had a hard class. Maybe you and your friends got in a fight or that late night pizza stabbed you in the back by giving you actual back fat. Unfortunately, you will never have a perfect year- that’s just not a thing. You will have ups and downs, and it is important to mourn things that hurt you, but to allow it to consume a YEAR?

No. You can’t simply write off 2016 as the worst year of your life unless you walked around every single damn day with a piece of glass in your foot that the doctor miraculously was only able to pull out January 2nd 2017. I say January second and not the first, because your doc had one too many glasses of champagne ringing in the new year. Hey, doctors can have lives too ya know.

Does this sound ridiculous? Good, it’s supposed to. It’s about as ridiculous as you writing off an entire year because a couple of things went wrong.

I wrote something like this in“Why 2016 is Not a Fresh Start” (which sounds super pessimistic but it’s not) and lo and behold, it still stands true. I’m not always right, but a lot of the times I am, so trust me when I say that you don’t wait for a new calendar year to lead a kick ass life.

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