Friday, June 30, 2017

The 7 Worst Types of People

When I called this The Worst Types of People, I wasn’t talking about racists or homophobes or people who litter (because they do make the list), but I’m talking about the smaller things that have the power to throw off your mojo without even realize it. With that being said, join me on today’s journey of horrible people in this world. This is why we can’t have nice things!

1. Whoever decided it was okay to put the calorie count on the front of food. I’ll go to buy a muffin or something, and instead of reveling in the moment of delish chocolate chips or fresh blueberries, I’m visually assaulted by a large number that I’d only ever want to see on a paycheck. I mean, come ON. Let me live a little.
 Image may contain: food

2. It might not happen outside of NJ or NY at all, but the traffic weaver is by far the most hated breed of drivers. Why yes, I did want to be aggressively plowed down by your truck on my way to the beach because you refuse to drive in a straight line. Sure, no go ahead of me, the space is only half the size of your car- I’m sure you’ll fit just fine.

3. The waiter/waitress when they inform you that they are out of your favorite food. Sure, I know it’s not actually your fault and I won’t be rude to you about it, but just know that I’m internally mad at you.

4. The people who never seem to eat. You’re out, you’re hungry, and somehow nobody else in your group of friends seems to be. It’s been like 5 hours since your last meal but nobody seems to notice. Weirdos.

Image may contain: skyscraper and outdoor
A prime example of traffic weaving: NYC
5. People who don’t say please or thank you. I’m pretty sure that I spent my childhood watching a manners video by Barney. I’ll let you borrow it.

6. “It’s Thanksgiving you say? Great, then you have extra time to complete this online exam. See you in class Monday.” -Every satanic professor

7. “Sorry I never responded, I never got your text/didn’t get it until just now.”  Oh, is that so? Conveniently, on a time sensitive question and/or request? Then who did get my text then? Hm? HM?!

I’m sorry to break it to you, but if you fall into one of these: you’re the worst, I hate you- and as a five year old would say, “You’re not coming to my birthday party!’ Have a good summer and don't be the worst.

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