Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bad Day Survival Guide

You are running late, realize you failed to meet your project deadline, your hair is basically a creature of its own, and the ultimate tragedy, you spilled your coffee. While you are mourning the loss of your best friend Joe (see what I did there?), you can’t stop thinking about how awful everything is. Luckily for you, a new day is already on the horizon...but let’s talk about how to fix a bad one in the meantime.

Don’t cry over spilled milk- Most of my days begin with me quite literally spilling milk EVERYWHERE and from then on out I know it’s going to go downhill, but pull yourself together! That’s what paper towels are for!
Take small bites- A lot of bad days have to do with being overwhelmed, so take it one task at a time. Like I said in my article Finals Survival Guide, taking things in all at once is like trying to fit a whole slice of pizza in your mouth-you will probably choke.
Perspective- You can undo the calories of the raspberry pound cake you ate yesterday by running, but you can’t take back the time you spent being grumpy. Take it from someone who is cranky and likes cake.
Get dressed up- If you look good, you tend to feel good too! Sometimes if I’m feeling sour, I put on a dress (not just because I dislike pants). Don’t think it will work? Try it.
Stay goal oriented- What better way to keep yourself in check than recognizing your goals? Think, “will my attitude help me accomplish what needs to be done today?”
Spare others- Taking a step back to cool down will probably be better than yelling at poor George at the water cooler (if that’s even still a thing).
Don’t mope- There's nothing worse than a moper, someone who just stews all day in their own misery. It’s one thing to have a bad day and another to ruin everyone else’s with a pity party.
Make more coffee- This is not a metaphor. Caffeine is my panacea.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @TheDayILived and to share with your friends. If today is your bad day, in the words of Dory, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!”

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