Monday, December 21, 2015

18 Things I Don't Understand

  1. People who drink hot coffee through a straw, like who even are you?
  2. People who don’t like coffee
  3. People who don’t know they do you not wake yourself up?
  4. People who refuse to dance
  5. People who deny waffles when waffles are offered
  6. Why nap times are not a thing anymore
  7. Computer viruses- I bet it was probably because of that chain email I didn’t forward when I was 10.
  8. Donald Trump
  9. Donald Trump’s “hair”
  10. How I’m expected to pay for college
  11. Why Chipotle closes at 10
  12. Why I am horrible with directions
  13. People that take days to respond but get mad when it takes you an hour
  14. The metric system
  15. Why cookies have calories
  16. Whoever the hell made a finals week
  17. Why my laundry won’t do itself
  18. Why you still don’t follow me on Twitter

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