Monday, December 28, 2015

Why 2016 is Not a Fresh Start

Every New Year, all I ever hear about is how excited people are to have a ‘fresh start’...and honestly  it makes me want to bang my head into a wall. I mean really, a number on a calendar means NOTHING unless it is your birthday, in which case, happy birthday. Cake for you.

But chances are, it is not your birthday and you are giving up cake as your New Year’s resolution. The number 2016 is just another time marker, not a time changer. If you were unmotivated in December 2015, save yourself the heartache of ‘failure’ because it will carry through into January.

So where is the silver lining? There is none.
No, I’m totally kidding.

The top New Year’s resolutions according to Statistic Brain Research Institute: Lose weight, Get organized, Save more, Enjoy life to the fullest, Get healthy and fit, and so many more…

So why wait for a new year when you have a bazillion new moments everyday to achieve those goals? Instead of stewing in 364 days of guilt (because let’s be honest, your efforts will last about a day), you can actively apply your goals to your life every moment. Every MOMENT is a chance to change. That’s not even a full day, therefore “maybe tomorrow” is invalid.

Now don’t get me wrong, setting goals is a great thing, but this whole “new year new you” thing really must go. Don’t be someone you want to change on a yearly basis, and maybe this time around you’ll be able to fully enjoy that champagne pop, that midnight kiss, and have that birthday cake.

Don’t be the 92% to fail.

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