Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Power of Powerball

You obviously do not leave your house or own any sort of electronic device if you haven’t heard that the current estimated jackpot is $1.4 billion. That’s a nice chunk of change, which would mean you have more money than any of the highest earning celebrities of last year...your red carpet outfit will be on point this time around.

So naturally, I’ve spent the past few days interviewing people and asking about what they would do with the money...some said they would save, invest, never work again, take a vacation, or buy a Ferrari, and others just gave me a blank stare like, “What wouldn’t I do with that much?”

Fair point.

Then, said people mentioned above eventually came to the conclusion that they would have to donate some of it, preventing themselves from looking like the biggest asshole on the planet...because really, what couldn’t you do? There is only so much guac one can buy.

I just began working for this wonderful organization called Don’t Wait, Donate. They taught me all about this concept of effective altruism and that not all charities are created equal. Some CEOs and founders get paid over 1 million dollars a year. Just let that sink in for a sec. You might be donating to save the pandas while they lounge about their mansion, sipping on mimosas. I too, am a mimosa gal but come on.

So, if you do happen to literally defy every odd ever and win the powerball, congratulations. Before you pour your money into feeding the pockets of CEOs in your charitable attempts, consider donating wisely. There are so many cool organizations that use the most out of your dollar to help others in a more appropriate fashion (like DWD *cough*).

And you know what? While I am rooting for you, you might not hit the lotto this time around, but luckily DWD isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. While you ride about in your car drinking that delicious $5 coffee I made you at Starbucks, consider giving up a little bit to give someone something as simple as clean water. Then you’ve really won the jackpot.

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